Primo Levi

Primo Levi

Formal Elements of Poetry (Writings)

As far as the formal elements of Primo Levi's writing and poetry are concerned there are many different aspects to cover.
First off we should talk about the main bulk of his writing which consisted of books and short stories. In these books and short stories Primo Levi had a very scientific approach to writing. He would examined a situation, take in all of the factors of the situation or experience, and then evaluate it and come to a conclusion. Primo Levi defiantly approached his writing as if approaching a chemistry experiment.

Levi even has a book named, "The Period Table". In this book, he does through even element in the Periodic Table and relates it to an experience, place, or person in his life. This book exemplifies the fact that Primo Levi went through his everyday life and experiences in a scientific manner or thinking. Therefore, his writing follows the same pattern.

The poems I studied by Primo Levi are mainly written in free verse and without a rhyme scheme. They do use a strong sense of language with harsh words that help to convey a strong sense of imagery. The imagery portrayed throughout his poems are mostly of suffering, hunger, pain and loneliness. However, Primo Levi does this is a way so that his readers will not forget what they have read, or what the prisoners at the concentration camps went though. Primo Levi's poems perfectly accomplish the task they were set out to do, make the readers never forget.

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